Sunday, August 16, 2009

Numbers 10-19

  • Chapter 10 - TWO SILVER TRUMPETS
    (verses 1-10)

    • The two silver trumpets were to be made of hammered or beaten work.

    • If both trumpets were blown, this was the signal for all the congregation
      of Israel to gather before Moses at the door of the tabernacle.

    • If only one trumpet was blown, this was to summon the leaders
      of each tribe.

    • When about to travel, an alarm was blown, the
      first alarm signaling the movement of the camps on the east side (Judah),
      the second alarm calling for the movement of those on the south
      side. Nothing is said as to the north and west sides. Perhaps
      it is to be understood that the alarm was blown the third and fourth
      time for these.

    • At the coming of the Lord, His word will be a clarion call to
      summon all believers away from earth to His own glorious presence.

    • The sons of Aaron were those designated to blow the trumpets,
      therefore it was priestly work.

    • If, on entering their land, it was necessary to engage in warfare,
      then the trumpets were to sound an alarm.

    • Also, at the set times of Israel's appointed feasts, and at the
      beginning of each month, the trumpets were to be sounded in drawing
      attention to their burnt offerings and peace offerings.

    (verses 11-36)

    • What follows is the history of the wilderness journey of

    • About one year and five weeks after the Passover in Egypt the
      cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle in mid-spring, so that Israel began
      their journey following the cloud. As they followed God's leading, so should we!

    • They left the wilderness of Sinai only to enter the wilderness
      of Paran.

    • The tribes set out on the journey in the order God had prescribed:

      • Judah first.

      • When these had moved
        the tabernacle was taken down, and the sons of Gershon and the sons
        of Merari set out, carrying the tabernacle.

      • The tribe of
        Reuben was next

      • Then

      • Then Gad.

      • Following
        Gad were the Kohathites carrying the furniture of the tabernacle,
        so that on their arrival the tabernacle would have been prepared
        for them. Thus the Kohathites would be in the middle of the procession,
        with the holy things having a central place.

      • Ephraim next began their journey, then Manasseh, then Benjamin. Dan followed, then Asher
        and finally Naphthali.

    • Verse 29 speaks of Moses asking Hobab, son of Reuel to come with
      Israel. Hobab was the brother of Moses' wife Zipporah. No doubt
      it was simply because of this relationship that Moses requested
      him to come. Before the law was given, Jethro (known as Reuel also)
      had come to Moses and advised him to delegate authority to others
      in Israel, then had returned to his own land (Exodus 18:17-27). But he told Moses he would not
      go with Israel, but would return to his own land.

    • Moses nevertheless urged him, because Hobab knew something of
      the country they would pass through, and he could be "eyes"
      for Israel. Besides, Moses promised him, they would treat him well,
      as the Lord treated Israel. However, nothing is said as to whether Hobab
      accepted this. Still, Hobab is not mentioned again in all the wilderness
      history. His children are mentioned in Judges 4:11, but not as part
      of Israel.

    • Leaving Mount Horeb, the first leg of Israel's journey took three

    • We are told that
      the ark went before them, and that the cloud was above them.

    • Because the ark was the symbol of the Lord's presence, Moses prayed
      when it set out, "Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered! Let them flee before you!". Then when the ark rested, Moses prayed, "Return,
      O LORD, to the countless thousands of Israel

  • Chapter 11 - THE PEOPLE COMPLAIN

    • The people began complaining about their hardships and the fire of the Lord
      destroyed the outskirts of the camp.

    • When Moses prayed, the fire stopped. Then the area was called Taberah (the place of burning).

    • Then the "foreign rabble" despised the manna and wanted to turn back to Egypt.

    • Moses was sick of them and felt the burden was greater than
      he could bear.

    • Then God told him appoint
      seventy men (same number that went up the mountain and the number in the Sanhedrin) to be elders of the people on whom
      He put some of Moses' spirit and they prophesied.

    • In answer to their complaint of no meat, God gave them quails (three feet deep on the ground).

    • But God caused a plague to break out among them.

    • The place was called Kibroth-hattaavah (the graves of craving).

    • Then God moved them to Hazeroth where they stay for some time.

  • Chapter 12

    • Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses saying they were upset about Moses marrying a Cushite women, but were actually upset that their little brother was the leader.

    • God said "I speak to him face to face, directly". Is this the incarnate Christ?

    • The
      Lord struck Miriam with a skin disease (translated "leprosy") but at the intercession
      of Moses it was removed from her, though she was shut out of the camp
      seven days.

    Chapter 13-14

    • God instructs Moses to send out 12 men to spy out the land of Canaan.

    • Caleb represented Judah and Joshua represented Ephraim.

    • Joshua's original name was Hoshea (which means "salvation") but Moses renamed him Joshua (which means "The LORD is salvation").

    • Detailed the searching of the land by the spies, and
      the consequences of their lack of faith. The route would have been a round trip of about 500 miles.

    • Forgetting God, and judging from
      their own standpoint, the spies (except Caleb and Joshua) gave an evil
      report of the land - mentioning that there were giants in the land and the cities were walled and heavily fortified.

    • The whole congregation exclaimed, "We wish we had died in Egypt or even here in this wilderness".

    • They suggest appointing a new leader and going back to Egypt.

    • Caleb and Joshua tore their clothes and proclaimed that the people in the land had no protection because the Lord was with His people.

    • God proposed wiping out the complainers and making a new nation from Moses. Moses responded by saying basically "what would the Egyptians think?".

    • God decreed that all of twenty years old and upwards would die in
      the wilderness, except Caleb and Joshua, and that their little ones should
      be brought into the land.

    • The ten false spies died.

    • In further rebellion they said they would go
      up into the land, but they were smitten by the Amalekites and Canaanites.
      This is the beginning of their wandering 40 years in the wilderness - the same as the number of days the spies explored the land.

  • Chapter 15-19

    • God had not deviated from His purpose and give some of
      the laws of the offerings when they come into the promised land.

    • The punishment for breaking the Sabbath law - stoning to death.

    • Institution of the blue tassels.

    • Then is recorded the rebellion of Korah, Dathan,
      and Abiram, that which is spoken of in Jude 1:1 as the gainsaying of Core.
      It was the assumption of the priesthood by the Levites and rebellion against
      the anointing of God. Remember, not all Levites were priests - only Aaron and his descendants!

    • The brass incense burners of the rebellious Levites (250 in all) were beaten into plates as a covering for the altar.

    • 14,700 people die from the plague for rebelling against God.

    • By the budding of Aaron's rod, God bore witness as to whom He had chosen
      for the priesthood, and He gave instructions as to the responsibility
      and the portions of the priests and Levites.

    • Instructions are again given about the offerings and tithes.

    • Then is given
      the law of the Red Heifer, a provision for defilement in the wilderness.


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation of the Bible.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Numbers 5-9

  • Chapter 5 - Laws of Uncleanness, Trespassing and the unfaithful

    • Removal of the "unclean": Because the
      Lord dwelt among the sons of Israel, he ordered Moses to command
      the sons of Israel to purify the camp by sending out those who were
      unclean - "lepers" (the Hebrew word used describes various
      skin diseases) and those defiled by contact with the dead.

    • Restitution: When someone was robbed or wronged,
      they were to confess their sin, make full restitution plus add a
      penalty of 20%. If the wronged person was dead and there were no
      close relatives, the restitution and a ram for atonement went to
      the priest. This was a unique concept for that day.

      The lesson for us to draw from this is that we should not only apologize
      and make amends but that we should go beyond what might
      be expected of us.

    • The trial of jealousy: When a wife committed
      adultery or when her husband became jealous and suspected his wife
      of committing adultery, she was brought before the priest with a
      grain offering and required to drink water with the dust of the
      tabernacle in it; whereupon she would be shown to be guilty her
      "stomach swelled and her thigh wasted away" such that
      she could not get pregnant, or she would be vindicated if nothing
      happened. Suspicion and mistrust will destroy a marriage.

  • Chapter 6 - Law of the Nazirite and the Priestly Blessing:

    • (from the Hebrew root nazar, meaning "to separate")

    • God instituted the Nazirite vow for people who
      wanted to devote some time exclusively to serving him.

    • Parents could take the vow for their young child - such as with

    • The vow included 3 restrictions:

      • He had to abstain from wine or anything else
        from the grapevine (including grape juice and raisins).

      • His hair could not be cut and the beard
        could not be shaved - See story about Samson.

      • Touching a dead body was not allowed - not
        even if a parent or sibling.

      • At the end of the vow, he would bring to the Tabernacle entrance
        the appropriate offerings.

        Then, the Nazirite was to shave his hair and
        put it on the fire beneath the peace-offering sacrifice.

        Acts 18:18,21:24: Paul stayed in Corinth
        for some time after that, then said good-bye to the brothers
        and sisters and went to nearby Cenchrea. There he shaved
        his head
        according to Jewish custom, marking
        the end of a vow
        . Then he set sail for Syria, taking
        Priscilla and Aquila with him...Go with them to the Temple and
        join them in the purification ceremony, paying
        for them to have their heads ritually shaved. Then everyone
        will know that the rumors are all false and that you
        yourself observe the Jewish laws

    • Aaron and his sons were to bless the people of Israel
      with this special blessing:

         ‘May the Lord bless you and protect you.

         May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.

         May the Lord show you his favor and give you his

      This blessing was discovered in 1979 on a silver amulet in a Judean
      tomb dating to the 7th or 6th century B.C.

  • Chapter 7 - Offerings of the Twelve Princes of Israel for
    the Dedicating of the Altar:

    • Setting: On the day that Moses finished setting
      up the tabernacle, he anointed and consecrated it, all its furnishings,
      the altar and its utensils.

    • God spoke to Moses from between the two cherubim: When
      Moses entered into the tabernacle "he heard the
      speaking to him from between the two cherubim above
      the Ark’s cover - the place of atonement - that rests on the
      Ark of the Covenant. The Lord spoke to him from there.

      He had access to the mercy-seat and received his directions from
      there, while the place of approach for the people was at the brazen
      altar. BUT, we are called to approach the throne BOLDLY:

      Hebrews 4:16: So let us come boldly
      to the throne
      of our gracious God. There we will receive
      his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

      Exodus 29:42: “These burnt offerings
      are to be made each day from generation to generation. Offer them
      in the Lord’s presence at the Tabernacle entrance;
      there I will meet with you and speak with you.

    • The Chieftains’ Initiatory Gifts: The leaders
      of the tribes of Israel offered six covered carts and twelve oxen
      before the tabernacle which were accepted and given to the sons
      of Gershon and Merari, and Moses demonstrated the unified acceptance
      of the tabernacle through the gifts from the leaders of the twelve

    • Tribal Offerings: The leaders of the tribes of
      Israel, the heads of their fathers’ households, offered six
      covered carts (one for every two leaders) and twelve oxen (one for
      every leader) before the tabernacle.

    • Acceptance of Offerings: Moses daily accepted
      the carts and oxen for twelve days and gave two carts and four oxen
      to the sons of Gershon, four carts and eight oxen to the sons of
      Merari, none to the sons of Kohath since they carried the holy objects
      on their shoulder.

  • Chapter 8 - Light of the Sanctuary and Dedication of the Levites:

    • Lighting the Menorah: The Lord spoke to Moses
      exhorting him to tell Aaron that he is to mount the seven lamps
      on the lampstand so that they would give their light forward - the
      light of the glory of God was in Israel -. the light of His face
      might shine on them as the lampstand shone on the showbread in the

    • Dedication and purification of the Levites: They
      were to shave their entire body and wash their clothing and bring
      their grain and sin offerings. They were then brought to the entrance
      to the tabernacle and the people of Israel laid their hands on them.

    • Purification of the Levitical Order: The Lord
      prescribed through Moses how the Levite work-force (in place of
      the first-born Israelites) was dedicated and purified for their
      work as movers of the tabernacle.

    • The Retirement of the Levites: The Lord commanded
      Moses that the Levites may only do the hard work of erecting, dismantling
      and transporting the tabernacle from ages 25-50
      whereupon, they are to retire and only help the younger men do “guard
      duty”. See 4:1 where those above 30 were counted. Apparently,
      they served as apprentices from 25 to 30.

      Numbers 4:3: List all the men between
      the ages of thirty and fifty
      who are eligible to serve
      in the Tabernacle.

  • Chapter 9 - Passover in the Wilderness; the Cloud as Guide
    of the People:

    • Observance of the First Passover: On the first
      month of the second year after the people had come
      out of Egypt, the Lord commanded Moses to have Israel observe the
      Passover at twilight on the fourteenth day.

    • The Complaint of Those Barred from Participating in the
      Some men who were unclean because they had been
      with a dead person asked Moses why they should not be allowed to
      present their offering to the Lord at the Passover with the sons
      of Israel, and Moses agreed to seek the Lord’s command concerning

    • Observance of the Second Passover at Sinai: On
      the first month of the second year after the people had come out
      of Egypt, the Lord commanded the sons of Israel to observe the Passover
      on the fourteenth day according to its statues and ordinances and
      made provisions for exceptional cases--the defiled, the disobedient,
      and the alien.

    • Clean: If one is clean and not on a journey but
      does not keep the Passover, that one is to be cut off from the people
      and to bear his sin for not presenting his offering to the Lord.

    • If a foreigner is among the sons of Israel and
      observes the Passover according to the statue and ordinance of the
      Passover, he is permitted since there is one statue for both alien
      and the native of the land.

    • The Journey Commences: The Cloud and Silver Trumpets:
      The prescribed means of guidance for the sons of Israel was the
      movement of the cloud over the tabernacle and the sounding of two
      silver trumpets.

    • Leading of the Lord: On the day that the tabernacle
      was erected, the cloud covered the tabernacle by day and in the
      evening it appeared like fire over the tabernacle leading Israel
      from campsite to campsite by going ahead of them and then resting
      on the tabernacle.


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the New Living Translation of the Bible.

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